January 2020
Organic (Green Smoothie)
https://youtu.be/Z8FmX0vLEfg All of life is organic, yet today I will share why going more and more organic is important. What is really lurking in your food? Action Steps: Write [...]
December 2019
Green Moves
https://youtu.be/3njf7nuhQ-Q You need tons of vitamins and nutrients to get your body vibrating and attracting wealth. Today's video shows you how to download a ton of nutrients in a [...]
Calm Moves On
https://youtu.be/gAuK4-HqAMs Almost all successful transformational leaders teach this concept? Do you want to know how to gently attract others and be a magnet for all that you want. Today [...]
Happiness Vibration
https://youtu.be/TzgeAS8HYeY Happiness is aided by vibration in your body. In just a few minutes you can do this to lift your mood and help you have a great day. [...]
Hot/Cold Upgrade
https://youtu.be/s97WPjtPmdg Do you have difficulty waking up or being energized in the mornings? This will really get you going in the morning. Action Steps: Write something you want today. [...]
November 2019
Brush Work
https://youtu.be/CvYzA-e7y24 How would you like to simply brush away toxicity built up in your body. Well, I will show you how you can do that in this short video [...]
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