About Coachleslieg

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So far Coachleslieg has created 103 blog entries.

Places (Where Do You Put Your Money)

https://youtu.be/5WuaVb-9x8U Where do you keep your money? Do you keep it in one place or in different places? Does it make a difference? How much should be in each place? Is there different risks for different places? Action Steps: What places are you putting your money? Have you evaluated their prudence, risk, pros and [...]

Places (Where Do You Put Your Money)2021-08-15T10:58:37+00:00

Rain Water

https://youtu.be/QzX3sExd0-Q Do you want to capture a lot of money? Capturing money is like rain, you have to put out the buckets to collect it. If you don't have a place to put it, money will sink away like rain water. Action Steps: If you won the lottery today, what buckets do you have [...]

Rain Water2021-08-15T10:50:06+00:00

Affirmative Treatment (Gratitude)

https://youtu.be/cvYYTrnz7PI This is how you call in the things you want, a little like a prayer, yet with a twist. positivityblog.com/thankfulness/ is the key, being thankful for what is and for what will be in the future. Action Steps: How can you put a little gratitude and affirmation into your prayers? Does being grateful [...]

Affirmative Treatment (Gratitude)2021-08-15T10:44:25+00:00

From The Mountain Tops (Telling Others)

https://youtu.be/CPKEyy20YZE Declare what you want is a recurring theme in our program.. Are you really letting everyone and the universe know what you are about? What you want? Time for a check-in. Action Steps: Are you telling the universe what you want on a consistent basis? Do you tell your co-workers, people you meet, [...]

From The Mountain Tops (Telling Others)2021-08-15T10:39:07+00:00

Pause and NASA

https://youtu.be/dmQB3qQBYfc The pause practice is well-known in learning to respond instead of react. This NASA practice teaches us to start taking action right away. Oh yes, another paradox! Fun! Action Steps: How do you feel when you react, rather than pause and respond? Have you tried Mel's countdown? 5-4-3-2-1 Try it today to get [...]

Pause and NASA2021-08-15T10:31:47+00:00

MF Mantra

https://youtu.be/bc1O945wVHg I love Marie Forleo, she has a great mantra for every-time you pay for anything, or spend money. There's always more where that came from with this MF Mantra. Action Steps: How does it make you feel to say, "There's more where that comes from!" How will you remember to use the Mantra, [...]

MF Mantra2021-08-15T10:25:40+00:00

Seasoned with Grace

https://youtu.be/43WECtgRKow I was taught in theory (Sunday School), to let my words be full of grace and seasoned with salt. In practice (Family, Friends and School), I was taught to complain and criticize. Which do you think creates a better result? Action Steps: How does the idea of complaining and criticizing compare with the [...]

Seasoned with Grace2021-08-15T10:18:22+00:00

No Whining (Complaining)

https://youtu.be/tZF5r4nctwo Do you complain about not having enough money? Do you complain about other things? I was raised to complain and was accomplished at this! Learn to stop this and replace it with abundance and speaking about the things you really want. Action Steps: What are you complaining about? Make a commitment to go [...]

No Whining (Complaining)2021-08-15T10:09:56+00:00

Value Not Expense

https://youtu.be/jP1SOEgFB6U Do you complain that things are too expensive? They will ALWAYS be so if you speak this way. Today we explore this idea and how we can frame our speech to reflect what we want instead of repel it. Action Steps: What have you been seeing as an expense that has tremendous value [...]

Value Not Expense2021-08-15T10:04:11+00:00

Body Temple

https://youtu.be/4Mcg4qVsoV4 This week we have been focusing on improving our physical vibration by taking care of our body. When we do this, we feel better and ultimately attract the things we want. Today we get a bigger picture. Action Steps: How can you remember and make a practice of your body as a temple? [...]

Body Temple2021-08-15T09:54:04+00:00


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